minyak perut bahasa Inggris
- minyak: black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal;
- perut: abdomen; belly; inner man; kyte; stomach; tummy;
- perut: abdomen; belly; inner man; kyte; stomach; tummy; inside; tum; intestine; bowel; interior; breadbasket; bowels; gut; intestines; venter; paunch
- minyak: black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal; half-and-half dressing; throttle; naphtha; crude oil; kerosine; adipose tissue; oil colour; petroleum; gun; fossil oil; black gold; fat; fatty tissue; oil c
- alas perut: breakfast
- barah perut: stomach cancer
- besar perut: gluttonous
- bisul perut: peptic ulcer
- dorongan perut: hunger drive
- isi perut: bowels; entrails; fill the belly; innards; intestines; bowel; chaudron; eat; intestine; heart; insides; viscera
- lapis perut: stomach lining
- membersihkan perut: gut
- menanggang perut: fast
- menangsel perut: eat
- mengenai perut: abdominal; gastric
- Other compounds found in stomach oil include glycerol ethers, pristane and squalene.
Senyawa lain yang ditemukan di dalam minyak perut termasuk eter gliserol, pristana, dan skualena. - Stomach oil has low viscosity and will solidify into a hard wax if allowed to cool.
Minyak perut memiliki viskositas rendah dan akan mengeras menjadi lilin yang keras jika dibiarkan dingin. - The meals are composed of fresh squid, fish, and krill, as well as stomach oil, an energy-rich food that is lighter to carry than undigested prey items.
Makanannya terdiri dari cumi-cumi, ikan dan kril segar serta minyak perut, makanan yang penuh energi yang mudah dibawa daripada makanan yang belum dicerna. - It was once thought that stomach oil was a secretion of the proventriculus, but it is now known to be a residue of the diet created by digestion of the prey items such as krill, squid, copepods and fish.
Pada awalnya minyak perut dianggap sekresi dari proventrikulus, tetapi sekarang sudah diketahui bahwa minyak perut merupakan residu dari makanan yang dihasilkan dari proses pencernaan mangsa seperti krill, cumi-cumi, copepoda, dan ikan. - It was once thought that stomach oil was a secretion of the proventriculus, but it is now known to be a residue of the diet created by digestion of the prey items such as krill, squid, copepods and fish.
Pada awalnya minyak perut dianggap sekresi dari proventrikulus, tetapi sekarang sudah diketahui bahwa minyak perut merupakan residu dari makanan yang dihasilkan dari proses pencernaan mangsa seperti krill, cumi-cumi, copepoda, dan ikan.